"Music is the science of combining or modifying sounds to excite the soul's affections..."                          

 José Bernardo Alcedo

What is Takilka?

A Method to Learn Music 

Cultural creation is a prove of a nation's vitality.

Cultural creation is a demonstration of a nations vitality. Music is an intangible heritage, which in the Andes has been preserved thanks to the traditions of their diverse peoples. But music is not only sound and harmony, it also is geometry, language and cosmic wisdom.

Thus, inspired by research made on mathematics in the ancient Andean geometry, and, the variables in the chromatic of the Wiphala symbol, the two musicians and researchers, César Aguilar Alcedo, a descendant of José Bernardo Alcedo, educator and composer of the Peruvian national anthem and author of the first book in America about music theory "Elementary Philosophy of Music" (1869), and Kurmi Milla Silva, grandson of the researcher and Irpiri, Architect Carlos Milla Villena, the discoverer of the Chakana in his now classic work The Genesis of the Andean Culture, have set out to solve the challenge of music notation, based on the visual perception and inspired by how the forefathers composed the ancient kilkas. This way Takilka was born, a musicographic exploration that weaves together the languages ​​of musical sound and their graphic representation, to discover the iconic potential of geometry and color, from the Andean forefathers' ancestral symbolism. In these times of Inkarri, will the prophecy of the head that rejoins the body be fulfilled, and thus today, the knowledge transcends the past and tradition to project itself once more into the future ...

Zadir Milla Euribe, semiologist / Director of the Kontiti Andean Intercultural School

Author: Cesar Aguilar Alcedo

César Aguilar Alcedo, teaches in workshops and the Kontiti Intercultural School, he is the president of the Kulkijat ry association, and, a Peruvian designer and musician living in Finland since 2000. With the Hatun Charango he has recorded 3 soloist albums and performed in various countries, such as Bolivia, Norway, Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, among others.

As designer, he produces educational games and makes ceramic musical instruments inspired by the pre-Columbian semiotics, these works have been exhibited internationally in expositions and museums. Within his own sounding-ceramics concept "UAKO'Sound" he makes music projects., since 2009 he directs the Sikuri (Andean pan flute) group in Finland, and he gives music and design-related workshops in cultural institutions. His method "Takilka" for music teaching combines his ancestor's pioneer work in music to Andean semiotics and knowledge, and, was published in 2021.

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